Lee Sondeno

Follow @LSON on Micro.blog.


To learn more about some of the things I’m also passionate about, see below for a few of my recommended resources. And if you have any specific questions, feel free to reach out to me.

the Church


  • The Belief of Catholics - Ronald Knox
  • Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma - Ludwig Ott
  • The Word on Fire Vatican II Collection - Matthew Levering
  • What is Christianity?: The Last Writings - Pope Benedict XVI

poverty/housing/Catholic Social Teaching (CST)


  • Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City - Matthew Desmond
  • Public Housing That Worked: New York in the Twentieth Century - Nicholas Dagen Bloom
  • Localism: Coming Home to Catholic Social Teaching - ed. Dale Ahlquist & Michael Warren Davis
  • Catholic Social Teaching for Youth - Catholic Sprouts
  • The Word on Fire Catholic Social Teaching Collection - Daniel Seseske & Matthew Becklo
  • The Story of the Family: G.K. Chesterton on the Only State that Creates and Loves Its Own Citizens - ed. Dale Ahlquist



  • Works by Dorothy Day
  • Works by Catherine Doherty
  • Works by Charles Dickens



  • Orthodoxy
  • The Everlasting Man
  • What’s Wrong with the World
  • The Man Who Was Thursday